3D Canvas

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Ticket Hash: a027a3916f058f28a7fe1962787b75e1ddcb295b
Title: Pull X11 fixes from Androwish
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2016-10-10 18:08:31
Version Found In: bc31d403e7
User Comments:
hypnotoad added on 2016-10-10 14:40:03: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Androwish has an enhancement which fixes 3d canvas rendering under X11 for small ARM based devices. Pull those changes and integrated them into trunk

anonymous added on 2016-10-10 14:48:20: (text/x-fossil-plain)
As far as I remember, it has something to do with the default depth of the X server, which often is 16 bit on eg Beaglebone Black, and the GLX (Mesa) chosen visual which is 32 bit. This affects mixing text into the OpenGL scene. There's some detection logic in c3dX11Main.c and some changed call sequences in order to detect GLX availability.

anonymous added on 2016-10-10 17:38:37: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Check-in http://www.androwish.org/index.html/info/e80b18b2afd7b25e should now have all your upstream changes, except for TEA since there I didn't want to break undroidwish builds.

I've verified correct build and (partial) run on these platforms:

 - Android (AndroWish)
 - Linux 64 bit (plain Tcl/Tk and SDL rendering)
 - Windows 32 bit (plain Tcl/Tk and SDL rendering)

hypnotoad added on 2016-10-10 18:07:06: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Pulled changes from androwish, integrated as version 1.2.4

hypnotoad added on 2016-10-10 18:08:31: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Confirmed the project builds and demos run for OSX